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Pathology for clinicians and medical students

2 bytes removed, 18:48, 10 September 2021
[[File:Recommended marking stitch.jpg|thumb|190px|When marking the orientation of specimens, including skins, make the stitch knot away from the tissue so that the pathologist can remove it without potentially cutting through the tissue.]]
'''Orientation''' of skin excisions should generally be marked when there is a substantial likelihood of needing to excise further, and it is in a location where it is inconvenient to perform re-excision in all directions indiscriminately. Otherwise, skin lesions with only a mild suspicion of cancer (such as [[dark skin focalities]] in general) can usually be excised unoriented. Orientation can be made with one or two (one short and one long) sutures, designated lateral, medial etc, or o’clock positions. The direction of the margin marked by any suture should not be ambiguous (like on the border between two of them).

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